eConsult is now available

Our online service is available between 2pm and 5pm every weekday and can be used for routine prescription requests and extensions to sicklines only. 

Our Clinics

Clinics & Services

The Primary Care Nurses, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Mental Health Nurse, Phlebotomists and the Treatment Room offer booked appointments.  

Services they offer include blood tests, blood pressure, cervical smears, ear syringing, dressings and removal of stitches.

They run clinics for asthma, diabetes and other conditions and offer New Patient Medicals for patients who are joining the practice. The Nurse Team are trained to advise on many problems or issues and will further discuss these with our GPs if appropriate.

Health Promotion

We promote good health and offer screening examinations and investigations to help you. These cover various areas such as advice on stopping smoking, family planning, sexual health, alcohol problems, dietary advice and weight reduction, drug dependency, high blood pressure, asthma and diabetes.  Various information leaflets are also available.

Young People

Young people aged twelve years and over do not necessarily have to be accompanied by an adult.

Services Available

Antenatal clinic 

An antenatal clinic is held at the Medical Practice every week with a GP, health visitor and midwife in attendance. Mothers-to-be rarely need to go to the hospital outpatient department but can be seen at our health centre under the supervision of a consultant obstetrician.

Child Health Clinics

The Health Visitors and GPs hold these weekly. Developmental checks and immunisations are performed, both designed to keep your child healthy. Parenting advice is also available at these clinics.

Family planning & Sexual Health

All doctors and most nursing staff are qualified and happy to advise both men and women of any age on contraception and sexual health issues.  The practice also runs a dedicated family planning clinic where you can receive expert family planning advice, and also have a coil or contraceptive implant fitted.  We prescribe the ‘morning after pill’ and impartial unplanned pregnancy counselling is willingly available.  Counselling for sterilisation for men and women is also available.  Condoms are available free as part of the ‘C:Card’ service.  All services are offered confidentially.

Minor surgery

Our doctors are qualified to perform such procedures as treatment of small cysts and warts etc, where appropriate.

Other services

We are able to provide access to the usual range of NHS community services including:

Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Exercise classes, Counselling, Occupational Therapy, Smoking cessation, Dieticians, Podiatrists, Dentists, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Community Learning Disability Nurses, C:Card service.

Please ask for more information.